Schnitzelmaster is the professional
answer to the meat tenderizer
​Our machine is a sturdy, high-quality kitchen tool with which you can process any boneless meat.
​The machine works with a new method to tenderize meat.
With this procedure the meat fibers are neither pressed nor
squeezed, they are overstretched, i.e. more juice remains in the meat.
Why the Schnitzelmaster?
Kitchens all over the world have the same problem: tenderizing meat.
The meat mallet is noisy, inconsistent, time consuming and labor intensive.
The blade tenderizer is bulky, usually electricity driven, damages the product
and if not properly clean cause hygiene problems.
Our professional team in Germany has addressed this problem and developed the Schnitzelmaster.
Thanks to the specially developed rollers and the special foil cover, the meat is processed optimally, the juice stays in the meat and you get better quality than with the old-fashioned meat mallet.
The adjustable rollers on the Schnitzelmaster allows the thickness of the meat to be consistent, resulting in consistent cooking time, which means cost savings for you!
In addition, the process is quieter, cleaner and, above all, faster. You can save a lot of working hours and time is money, as we all know.​